Thursday, October 30, 2008

This is it my favorite bead of the moment. I really struggled with the big "Do I keep this one for me or list it?" question, lol! but I always get over them anyway~ Another one will come along and I will love it just as much :) So if this bead strikes your fancy you should know I just listed it in my Etsy store this morning.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Marcy tagged me!!! So I will try and play along :)

Here are the rules:
1. Link on your blog to my blog that tagged you.
2. Give your 7 factoids.
3. Tag 7 other blogs by leaving a comment on their blog letting them know they were tagged and list them (and their links) in your own blog.
•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••
1. I love to be outside in the fresh air.
2. I had my first job for 21 years!!!
3. My house is for sale! wanna buy it? :)
4. I love color and I am easily distracted by all the possibilities when I pick up my glass... focus
5.Batik and woodcarving are two things I have also done and love almost as much as lampworking
6. I have four big dogs, two cats and a bunny where do I sign up to get that sucker tattoo?
7. When I was a child I collected rocks, shells and beach glass, my daughter does the same thing now

I didn't tag anyone else!!! Have a free day on me :) Marcy beat me to 'em lol~ Seriously I went looking but most everyone has already been tagged so you are all granted a reprieve from me!
No homework today~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thought I'd show some of my old favorites!
Keeping up and staying motivated in the cold weather is always tough for me! But this weekend it is supposed to be sunny so maybe I won't quite freeze my arse off out in the studio and I will get a lot of beads made :) Definitely time to drag out the woolies though lol~ The added benefit is that they are fire resistant so I'll be a little more flameproof if well you know... that just isn't going to happen. I refuse to go up in flames and that is all there is to that!! :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yes I do love my glass especially when combined with the magic of silver foil~ I revisited an old favorite here with the copper green set above. It is accented with silvered river rock stringer. and I just had to show off that last bead again. I may keep that one for myself *snicker* something I rarely do. They usually go up on my Etsy site no matter how much I love them, but that one really has my attention for now...
Things are pretty quiet on the home front right now and that is good. Sam and I have been busy with school and trying to stay caught up with everything. This weekend we are going to carve pumpkins with her cousin Jaxson. I am more excited than she is though lol I think she just wants roasted seeds!!
Enjoy your Day~

Monday, October 13, 2008

Whew ... I do actually have some new beads to show again :) I know it has been a while. I have been dealing with some personal things and didn't even have my torch set up for a time, along with starting a new job. That was huge change for me as I was at my previous job for over 21 years!!! The house remains unsold and who knows where that will go in our current economy yuck! Back to the beads :) I managed to get my hands on some more of that fabulous silver glass I love so much and a few odd lots that are out of production. So exciting for me and you if you love organic effects and gorgeous subtle colors in your glass. Here they are~