Monday, August 28, 2006

The temp is up around here again! Pacific Northwest types are mostly cool weather kids and the heat just messes us up. I am not complaining just stating fact. Air conditioning isn't in every home like other parts of the country although it is becoming more common. Usually we go to the grocery store and hide out or head to an air-conditioned movie theater. Ah well... It is supposed to drop twenty degrees by wednsday and lightning storms are expected. Nothing compared to what I have seen elswhere mind you. Monsoons in Colorado who Knew? that was a scary and exciting experience for a sheltered mild weather girl like me.
Time is flying and I have much to do. My girl goes back to school soon and I have beads to make and laundry to wash... work is chaotic right now because we are short-handed and folks are on vacation.
Gloria is snoring sweet little sleepy head dog :) Must be rough, all that playing she was doing earlier.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Vacation never seems long enough when you are working for someone else~ Mine is over already. There were three of us in my department, two full-time and one part-time. A few days before I went on vacation my awesome full-time co-worker gave his notice. I knew he would be gone before I got back from vacation. Just knowing that was stressful enough but I also came back at the start of one of our big yearly sales events. Whew, and you wondered why I have been so quiet lately hehehe... Gonna be pulling some extra hours here and there until my buddy is replaced so I won't be posting very often I guess I'd rather melt glass if I have spare time :) Speaking of which I got my hands on some of the Kronos glass everybody has been admiring. A bit of a learning curve to striking it but the extra effort is worth it~

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The evening air is heavy with the heady scent of lillies rosemary and lavender. I went out into the back yard, my secret oasis. We have a portion of our yard that is fenced for human use only. It is here I have planted a small herb garden some flowers and occasionally vegetables. I also planted a rose here. Well lets get that story straight right off the bat, it planted itself. Yes really. Once upon a time there was a farm in the valley (My Grandparents) They had a large pink shrub rose that her mother had given her. It grew and grew out of control and beyond belief. then the interstate came (I-5) the neighbors across the way "sold" their farm. Somewhere here things get fuzzy either my grandpa got tired of tending this particular rose and pitched it over the freeway fence or the fence went right over where the rose grew. Either way it was always there growing on the fence year in and year out. Grandpa passed away and Grandma finally sold her home. My mom took cuttings from the rose. She passed me a styrofoam cup with a stick in it. Of course I thanked her. All the while thinking "are you out of your mind this will never grow." So I took it home waited a few weeks and had space in a strawberry pot so I stuck it in there. It grew a few spindly little branches and she always asked about it so being the good daughter that I am I took care of it and watered it. Matt and I moved into our home and eventually sat the spindly rose in the strawberry pot out in the oasis next to the brick patio with the bench. The radiant heat from the patio must have been what that little squatter was waiting for. Suddenly (I am not kidding) It burst forth with all these huge healthy canes and I said to Matt "We better get that thing planted it is huge and outgrowing the pot. " I tried to lift the pot and it wouldn't BUDGE. The rose grew right into the ground in two months flat after squatting in that pot for four YEARS! We broke the pot up, put lots of soil around it and gave it a good downward shove. Then we built an arbor for it. It is really immense~ I was just out trying to toss the errant vines up and over or at least head them in the right direction. Now I can see why Grandpa might have tossed it over the fence. Boy it sure smells good out there.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Upper 70's all week~ Thats Vacation weather.
Sorry I disappeared for a few days. There was a comment posted in my blog trying to sell something I don't know what? So I deleted that post I may not continue doing this if it happens again. It really bothered me and I don't know how to prevent it :) Anyway this is the week of vacation I have been looking forward to for a while so~ Seeya!