Friday, April 20, 2007

Hope the bead pix aren't a re-post :) I just want to give you all something to look at and I was down in the dumps last Monday so I wasn't productive at all~ I'll make up for it soon!
I found some missing comments this morning... They never made it to the e-mail notification stage for some reason. Ah well, now they are posted.

It is absolutely beautiful out this morning. A sunny spring day after months of grey and gloomy is so worth the wait. The sky is blue and Mt. Rainier is visible as well as the Cascade Range. I wish I could just sip my coffee and breathe in the fresh scent of morning for a bit. My Grandma Joyce used to take my sister and me to her cabin at White Pass. It was wonderful. We took walks every evening with flashlights and every morning when I would get up she would be out on the porch drinking a coffee. It is probably her love of coffee that rubbed off on me. She used to give me a bit with some cream and sugar mmm... And then there was the swimming pool. We used to beg to go swimming from the time we got up until we got to the pool. Sue and I were relentless about it. Before I learned to swim I would pull myself along the smooth concrete edge hand over hand until my fingers would just about bleed. I was pretty determined to move around in the water somehow. I can't remember the exact moment I started swimming it just happened. I am rambling a bit as usual, no focus or direction :)

Next weekend I am going to Seattle for a mini "Girl Vacation" with my best friend Chelsea and her other friend Tawnie from Spokane. I cannot wait! We are going to have so much fun, just hanging around in the Big City~

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