Monday, February 19, 2007

This one makes me smile~
My Ankgor Wat beauties :) they make me smile too
Yellow beads for moms set~ :)
Remember yesterday and how I was so excited about the beads I had made? Well here they are all freshly scrubbed~ and I listed them on etsy. I took 189 photos today!!! Thats a heckuva lot of editing ewww... Not my favorite pastime but I got it all done and will be adding listings to Etsy throughout the week and beyond I am sure. Back to work in the morning my weekend is over. Oh and don't laugh they were making veiled snow threats on the weather report tonight, guess the old farmers almanac is pretty accurate this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're beautiful, my dear! I can't wait to see the set!
Love you!